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发布时间:2024-04-08   点击数:

















(1) Yan Li, Qunfeng Dong, Mingjun Wang, Bin Li, Shenhe Ren. Anisotropic turbulence-induced spectral intensity evolution of a partially coherent vortex beam[C].Proceedings of SPIE, 2023, 12792, Eighteenth National Conference on Laser Technology and Optoelectronics, 127920W.(EI检索)

(2) Yan Li, Ming Gao, and Bin Li. Vortex phase induced evolution of propagation properties of a spatiotemporally partially coherentpartially polarizedpulsed beam in atmospheric turbulence[J].Optics Communications, 2022, 518: 128385.(SCI检索)

(3) Yan Li, Ming Gao, Hong Lv, et al. Statistical properties of a spatio-temporally partially coherent vector cosine-Gaussian-correlated pulsed beam with radial polarization in atmospheric turbulence[J].Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2021. (SCI检索)

(4) Yan Li and Ming Gao. Twisted electromagnetic multi-Gaussian Schell-model pulsed source and its propagation[J].IEEE Photonics Journal, 2021, 13(5): 6500109. (SCI检索)

(5) Yan Li, Ming Gao,Hong Lv, and Liguo Wang. Statistical properties of a return wave generated from an arbitrary rough target in atmospheric turbulence by a partially coherent beam with radial polarization[J].Journal of Modern Optics, 2021, 68(2):72–86. (SCI检索)

(6) Yan Li and Ming Gao. Spectral and coherent properties of partially polarized pulsedelectromagnetic beams upon turbulent atmosphere propagationfor different source conditions[J].Applied Physics B, 2020, 126:34.(SCI检索)

(7) Yan Li, Ming Gao, Hong Lv, et al. Far-zone behaviors of scattering-induced statistical properties of partially polarized spatially and spectrally partially coherent electromagnetic pulsed beam[J].Chinese Physics B, 2020, 29(10): 104201. (SCI检索)

(8) Yan Li, Ming Gao, Hong Lv, et al. Anisotropic turbulence-induced statistical properties evolution of a radially polarized partially coherent pulsed beam on propagation[J].Optics Communications, 2020, 466: 125669.(SCI检索)

(9) Yan Li and Ming Gao. Turbulence-induced changes in the state of polarization of partially polarized, partiallycoherent pulsed electromagnetic beams propagating through anisotropic turbulence[J]. Optical Engineering, 2019, 58(11): 116107.(SCI检索)

(10) Yan Li, Ming Gao, Bin Li, and Shenhe Ren. Polarization properties of a stochasticelectromagnetic ultrashort pulse laser beam in the atmospheric turbulence[C].Proceedings of SPIE, 2019, 11333, AOPC 2019: Advanced Laser Materials and LaserTechnology, 113330C.(EI检索)

(11) Ming Gao, Yan Li, Lei Gong, Hong Lv.Pulse broadening and beam spread of polarized laser pulse beam onslant path in turbulence atmospheric[J]. Optik, 2015, 126: 4651–4657. (SCI检索)

(12) Ming Gao, Yan Li, Hong Lv, Lei Gong. Polarization properties of polarized and partially coherent Electromagetic Gaussian-Schell model pulse beams on slant path in turbulent atmosphere[J]. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2014, 67:98106. (SCI检索)



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